Monday, January 17, 2011

Busy days for Gerri

We are getting into a groove now. When I read Gerri's messages and call to tell her who has written and what needs doing, I get a sense that her days are quite full with appointments of visiting care-takers, therapists of one kind or another, nurses, the cable guy (yes, really). There's lots of administrative stuff to do that nobody thinks of until their days veer into the extraordinary.

The drug schedule alone takes a lot of organizing. Take this pill before food, this one with and that one after. Some every four hours. Gina has to get up even at night to administer pain meds at regular intervals. But with this rigid schedule the terrible pain seems to be under better control. No wonder that regular naps are in order for both women, whenever possible.

Her visitor schedule is also full. Tomorrow her brother will arrive, leaves the next day, then Bartholomew, after that her sister, and so on. Well into February. Time is getting very precious. So, again, dear friends, Gerri is asking for your understanding that she has to limit visitors, phone calls, deliveries, and other interruptions to conserve her strength.

Some friends mentioned that they tried to leave a comment on the blog, but I have not received notification of it. All comments are monitored to avoid being spammed. If you like to leave a comment, Gerri will hear about it. At the bottom right of each post is a link to "0 comments". Click on that and you'll see a comment form. All comments are approved if they are from a legitimate source.

Bartholomew is so looking forward to his visit and has sent some pictures he calls Souvenirs from Africa, in the meantime. The menu link is on the top right of the right sidebar.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking about you and sending love, dear Auntie Gee!
    (Thanks for your incredible assistance Marianne!)

